About Us

Our Lebanon-based chapter, Widows Sons Lebanon, was founded in January 2021 with its first President being Bro.Rabie Jarmakani (Gavel), followed by Bro.Nour Ayache (Panda) in 2022 and 2024 and Bro.Samer El Kadi (Taz) in 2023. The country-wide charter for Lebanon was issed by Widows Sons Scotland. The defined goals and purpose of the Widows Sons Organization today is clearly defined as ‘promoting fellowship and unity’ among brother Freemasons who ride motorcycles, introducing Freemasonry to the world of motorcycling and to introduce the world of motorcycling to Freemasonry. The final goal is to support the Widows of fellow Freemasons and for us in Lebanon we have also undertaken to visit, from time to time, our older Brethren who are not able to come to Lodge meetings.

we kept what we
loved about the bike

The Lebanon Chapter

what we do

The Lebanon Chapter includes 18 full members (MMs) and its President is supported by a ‘Council of Presidents’ (COP) which is comprised of past presidents. The chapter has also binded itself to always work within the guidelines of our District in Lebanon and our District Grand Master so that it will always augment and support our District. This commitment was made through a signed document in 2021 and also in its bylaws which also includes conferring an honorary membership on every RW District Grand Master, who will always be updated by the organization’s activities.


To maintain a positive image of Freemasonry in the eyes of the Lebanese public, Widows Sons rides are meticulously planned and organized. The President works with his team of officers to make sure that every detail and safety standard is met, so much so that WSL members have not had a single incident since its formation in 2021. The team working with the President include a Road Captain, two Marshalls, a Sergeant At Arms, a merchandise officer, Secretary, and Treasurer.


Similar to the bond within the Lodge, members of widows sons maintain a strong fraternal bond on the road, always looking out for each other and conducting themselves to the high standards of a Freemason.

BI-MONTHLY MEETINGS: The meetings will be held on the second Saturday of March, May, July, Sep, and November. All members in good standing are required to attend a minimum of three (3) of the five (5) stated meetings.


NGO: the registration for WSL ngo formally with the ministry of interior is in progress and will comprise of individuals whose names are most likely to be approved by government in accordance with how many other NGOs they are already a part of.


FORMAL RIDES:  The scheduled rides for 2024, excluding the annual Hiram Tour,  will be on the Third Sunday of May, June, August, September, and October. Hiram’s Tour shall be held on the Third Weekend of July of each Year unless otherwise directed by the President.

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